Sarker Lab Emory University

Classification of Fall Types in Parkinson's Disease From Self-report Data Using NLP


Falls can result from multiple types of biomechanical perturbations, including perturbations to an individual’s base of support (BoS; e.g., trips) or center of mass (CoM; e.g., overextension during bending) [1]. People with Parkinson;s disease are more likely to fall and be frequent fallers than healthy older adults [2]. Falling in this population can be incapacitating, often resulting in soft tissue injuries, and disabling even early in disease progression [2]. It is of particular importance to predict and prevent falls in this population. A necessary step in this pursuit is to track falls and fall circumstances because risk factors for trips and slips might differ from those for falls due to impaired self-motion or other causes. Historically, fall classes have been manually coded from these free-text descriptions (e.g., [3]), but this practice is subjective, resource intensive, and difficult to scale. Recent advances in the field of natural language processing (NLP) hold exciting promise to automate this. Here, we aimed to develop an NLP classification model to distinguish CoM falls from other fall types in people with Parkinson’s disease based on free-text descriptions.


We modeled the discrimination between CoM- and Other-class falls as a binary classification problem. We applied a predefined 3-fold cross validation for (80% of data) training and (20% of data) evaluation. We experimented with multiple classifiers, specifically: naïve Bayes (NB), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN; weighted KNNa and unweighted KNNb), SVM, RF, Adaboost with single split trees as base classifiers, Decision Tree (DT; weighted DTa, unweighted DTb) classifiers, and a hard-voting ensemble classifier with contributions from each of the previously mentioned classifiers. We also experimented with the RoBERTa transformer model. The model was trained for 2, 5, and 10 epochs. Performance was measured by taking the median of the F 1 -macro score.


We found that the best-performing classifier was the ensemble model, achieving an F 1 -macro of 0.89 (95% CI: [0.67-1]; Table 1). The RoBERTa model had equal performance across epochs (F1-macro = 0.42; Table 1).

Table 1. Classifier performance at predicting fall type of our best model, an ensemble model, and RoBERTA.
Classifier Hyperparameters F1-macro 95% CI
Ensemble {NB, KNNa, SVM, RF, Adaboost, DTb} voting = ‘hard’ 0.89 0.67 - 1
RoBERTa Epochs = 2 0.42 0.37 - 0.463


Our study demonstrated that it is possible to automate the laborious process of fall type identification by using supervised classification methods that integrate structured and unstructured data. Despite the relatively small size of annotated data, an ensemble classification approach produced excellent results, outperforming a state-of-the-art transformer model.



Classification of fall types in Parkinson’s disease from self-report data using natural language processing.
Jeanne M. Powell, Yuting Guo, Abeed Sarker, J. Lucas McKay
June 2023
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